July 12, 2017
Bearing clearance in accordance with the direction of measurement were divided into axial clearance and radial clearance. Radial clearance is bearing group, the group with the outer ring and rolling element basis, the national standards and other provisions of the important technical quality requirements of the project, is also important to check the items. From the bearing application point of view, one of clearance is an important technical indicators, the bearing can achieve satisfactory performance, to a large extent determined by their radial clearance. From the aspect of the design and use of the bearing clearance can be divided into: the design clearance, original clearance, clearance and installation for clearance.
After the bearing assembly to achieve clearance of the original clearance, clearance after host installation and variations, called the installation clearance (or called with the clearance), while in the actual operation of the bearing clearance process called working clearance . When the bearing inner temperature so, external temperature changes, will make installation clearance reduction, while the load is applied so that the rolling elements and rings elastic deformation, will increase the clearance. Working under a boat clearance is slightly larger than the installation clearance, in order to get the most satisfactory work performance, you should choose the appropriate clearance work.
Learn bearing clearance measurements after assembly will be of great help to us in the work.